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About us

TriNova Education Department Mission Statement: To raise the proficiency and effectiveness of process control maintenance and engineering personnel worldwide. We accomplish this by expertly assessing knowledge and skills gaps and designing individualized learning plans to close the gap via instruction in our areas of expertise – the areas of process control and instrumentation.

America’s Best in Class Technical Education for Instrumentation Technicians & Engineers

TriNova has been providing our clients with innovative products, solutions, and services for more than 50 years. Our clients in the Process Control industries (chemical, oil & gas, utilities, water/wastewater, pharmaceutical, food & beverage, and many others) include most major players across the world today. We have partnered with the largest companies in the world to develop world class technical education (training) programs that lead the field.

Our TriU Technical Education department serves Process Control Maintenance and Engineering personnel worldwide. Our philosophy includes skillful, and proprietary, identification of existing skills gaps, and training needs. After which we design, develop, and deliver highly innovative training solutions that close those skills gaps and increase worker competencies. Sometimes the solution is a standard course offering, and sometimes it requires new material. We have experience utilizing both modes, and nearly 30% of our training activities today consist of custom-made coursework, either for the specific needs of customers, or individual industries.

TriU’s core classes include Basic Instrumentation, Advanced Level, Advanced Flow, Pressure & Temperature Calibration, and Loop Checkout & Troubleshooting to name a few. And our instruction takes place in 4 training centers across the US, on live process systems incorporating state-of-the-art instrumentation and controls. Most courses consist of lectures, labs, exhibits, demonstrations, and the centerpiece of our offerings - applied hands-on labs to keep the students active and attentive - giving them many opportunities to digest and retain the information. In short, our aim is to cause them to apply what they know and learn to solving everyday challenges in the process control arena - to think their way through to the most logical solution in every case, and in a timely manner.

Our coursework is designed to train people to install, start up, fine tune, troubleshoot, and keep processes running efficiently. Our instructors have decades of field experience in performing these functions themselves. They are not simply instructors, they have lived and walked in our customers’ shoes, and have the field experience necessary to translate what we know and to instruct others. They are maintenance technicians, Engineers, and people who have massive amounts of real-world field experience.

TriNova pioneered the space we occupy today nearly 17 years ago. TriU Technical Education continues to push the envelope every day. We continue to innovate and lead the field in world class process control maintenance and engineering training worldwide.